How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions beyond the end of January
Time for a New Approach?
I bet the year seems like it's already flying past. How are your New Year's Resolutions going so far? If you have the same New Year’s Resolution each year and barely get past January before giving up then isn't it time to consider a new approach?
Make sure come December you’re not angry, annoyed or disappointed in yourself that another year has passed and you haven’t made the changes you wanted.
Why’s it so hard?
We tend to set New Year’s Resolutions around things we really want to do, but haven’t managed to achieve in the normal course of our lives. So, before we start we have chosen something that although it’s important to us isn’t that easy, else we’d have done it by now and it would be on our "Done" list rather than our "To Do" List.
So we're going to need to use all the tools at our disposal, get all our ducks in a row, leave no stone unturned or whatever other phrase or metaphor that appeals when thinking about how you're going to succeed this time!
Hypnotherapy could be a useful tool in your toolbox
If you're trying to change habits that are really ingrained and you do almost without thinking then hypnotherapy can help you change your behaviour. There's lots of ways hypnosis can help with habit change, from changing the habit in the first place to helping to ensure the change sticks.
Hypnotherapy can give you that extra helping hand where your will power alone isn't quite enough.
Hypnotherapy is great at tackling stubborn problems
Hypnotherapy is great for breaking long term bad habits you no longer want – including binge eating, overeating, smoking, not exercising.
Hypnotherapy can unstick you from being stuck with a negative view of yourself. For instance do others see you as successful but, despite what you achieve, do you feel like a failure, never good enough or perhaps see yourself as a fraud waiting to be "found out"?
Hypnotherapy can enable you to break links with the past. Putting behind you past events that still influence you today and hold you back.
Whatever it is that has prevented you in the past from ticking this change off from your todo list, hypnosis might just be that extra bit of support you need to succeed this time.
Make 2024 the year you succeed
Please do get in touch to find out more or to book your free initial consultation. Just complete the message form or contact me on 07710 360926.
I look forward to speaking with you.